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In managing potential bank crises, SNB deputy chairman Martin Schlegel emphasizes the importance of implementing measures such as decelerating deposit withdrawals and enhancing the meticulous collateral arrangement. This insightful perspective comes in the wake of an unprecedented cash infusion required to orchestrate the successful rescue mission of Credit Suisse.

Banks Are Thinking About Methods to Save Their Capital

According to a recent report by Reuters, there have been discussions among Swiss authorities, including the esteemed Swiss National Bank (SNB) and various financial institutions, regarding potential strategies to mitigate the occurrence of bank runs. These deliberations revolve around implementing innovative measures such as gradually dispersing the loss of cash over a specific duration and introducing fees for individuals seeking to withdraw their assets.

In a fantastic show of financial flexibility, the SNB graciously extended a staggering amount of about 168 billion Swiss francs (186.58 billion dollars) to keep Credit Suisse afloat during a rough patch of cash outflows caused by unhappy customers in March.

Unprecedented Injection of Liquidity

At a ceremony in Basel on Thursday, Schlegel proudly proclaimed that it marked an unprecedented milestone in the realm of financial aid, as it stood as the most substantial infusion of liquidity support ever extended to a solitary financial institution across the globe.

However, despite its stability, the financial institution was experiencing not only a fleeting insufficiency in available funds but also a profound erosion of trust, he expressed.

The individual expressed that the mere provision of liquidity support would not have rectified the prevailing crisis. They further emphasized the indispensability of supplementary actions, such as the eventual intervention of the state in facilitating a takeover orchestrated by a competing Swiss financial institution, UBS (UBSG.S).

Schlegel brought attention to various predicaments associated with the prevailing crisis. Credit Suisse encountered a scarcity of adequate collateral – encompassing bonds, equities, and mortgages – readily available to present to the SNB as a safeguard for the liquidity extended.

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The extent of this constraint was such that it curtailed the magnitude of monetary funds that could be extended through the Emergency Liquidity Assistance Scheme (ELA), which serves as the customary instrument employed by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) in its capacity as the ultimate provider of financial support.

Credit Suisse Managed to Find the Necessary Funds

Credit Suisse was fortunate enough to receive supplementary funds through the extraordinary ELA+. This mechanism granted monetary resources solely based on preferential entitlements in the event of Credit Suisse’s hypothetical insolvency rather than relying on conventional collateral.

A clever system called the Public Liquidity Backstop (PLB) was also used to ensure that money was sent out while protected by a government guarantee.

Banks Must Prepare for Major Changes

In a future envisioned by Schlegel, a profound transformation awaits the banking industry, where an enhanced state of readiness for collateral becomes imperative. This heightened preparedness shall empower banks to seamlessly tap into emergency funding channels, fortifying their ability to navigate through unforeseen circumstances with the utmost skill.

It was also essential to slow down the speed at which deposits could be extracted by prolonging the maturation period. “The financial institution and the governing bodies would consequently acquire precious moments to navigate an unforeseen predicament effectively,” they expressed.

In the grand tapestry of banking endeavors, Schlegel opined that the utilization of the PLB, or Personalized Lending Bot, should be reserved for forthcoming occasions where the traditional ELA, or Emergency Liquidity Assistance, framework proves insufficient in meeting the multifaceted needs of the esteemed financial institution. It is worth noting that the alternatives above should be distinct from ELA+, as they serve different purposes within the intricate realm of banking operations.

According to Schlegel, using ELA+ proved indispensable in the particular instance involving Credit Suisse. However, it should be noted that this approach does not serve as an exemplary blueprint for effectively navigating forthcoming crises.

Peter Bergman (

By Peter Bergman (

Peter Bergman is an experienced financial writer with a passion for helping people achieve financial freedom. With over a decade of experience, he has written extensively on topics ranging from personal finance to investment strategies, and his work has been featured on and other leading financial websites.

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